The Rogers Family

Friday, February 19, 2010

Websites for Jason Rogers & Jenny Bazillion

We wanted to pass along 2 special websites ... there are 2 precious people who are requesting prayers & sharing their health updates ... they've both been on our hearts constantly since we've found out their situations and we are asking you to join us in praying for them!

Not sure how long these type of awesome websites have been around (probably several years now), but I've never seen one ... these websites are fantastic ... I sooo wished we'd of known about a website like this last year when I was unexpectedly put on bedrest in the hospital, delivering Kendall nearly 11 weeks early, and having her 8 week stay in the NICU before coming home with us. We know first hand, how having hundreds, thousands of people praying for you feels ... Mighty is our God ... He is Mighty to Save! These websites have pictures, their stories, updates on what's going on during their health journey, and a place to leave them messages!

Let us encourage you to check out their websites and pray for them! Here's the info ...

Jason Rogers
Jason is a friend from our ACU days! (Ashley & him knew each other their freshman year at ACU. His wife, Lauren, & I have been best of friends since high school.) Jason is a youth minister ... He & Lauren and their 3 kids live in Shreveport, LA. Here's a part of what's on his website ... "Jason is doing well and still recovering from his surgery. We will see a second surgeon on Tuesday morning about removing his lymph nodes around his kidneys. This will possibly be done in the next few weeks. After he has healed from this second surgery and depending on the path reports, we will start chemo. We will also be meeting with an oncologist soon."
His website is: . (I think you'll need to become a member & sign in ... then you'll have access to everything, including receiving emails when they've updated his status.)

Jenny Bizaillion
We don't personally know Jenny, but she went to ACU (she's a year or two younger than me) and she is married to David Bizaillion (who also went to ACU who's Ashley's age) ... they have a daughter who is 8. She is in the ICU at the Baylor Hospital in Grapevine (where we were with Kendall) ... she has been in the hospital for 2 weeks now and is fighting "pneumonia that has turned to sepsis. She is now fighting for her life. Please pray for her and her family!" If you're on FaceBook, you can also join the group "Praying for Jenny Bazillion" for more information on her journey.
Her website is: (I think you'll need to become a member & sign in to read everything & get emails when they post a new update.)

Thank you for keeping both of these precious children of God in your prayers!

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