The Rogers Family

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Rice Cereal ... sooo yummy!

Kendall is nearly 8 1/2 months old now (with a corrected age of 6 months) and as of today, is eating rice cereal! We are so excited for her to take this big step in her development, as we have been waiting for her Doctor's approval to start this process. Preemies, born as early as Kendall was, are known for having issues (with lots of thing), but especially with feedings ... in swallowing, in putting food/allowing food in their mouths, liking different textures, gagging, vomiting, etc, so we've been a bit anxious to see how she would do (since she's been doing so well with everything else) ... and her Doctor and Speech Therapist both wanted her to wait until after she was 8 months old to start it, in hoping she'd be accepting of it and her body would be able to handle it. So, we've waited and we tried it today ... it was a great first run!

We sat her in the bumbo chair and rolled the video camera ...
Kendall before her first bite of food ...

And Kendall after her first meal of rice cereal ... Way to go, Kendall!

She took over 10 spoonfuls, which was more than we'd ever expected. (I'd made a normal "first cereal serving" which is 1 tablespoon with 4 tablespoons of formula, but she might of consumed about 1/2 teaspoon of it. Tomorrow, I'll make 1 teaspoon and see how that goes says to offer 2 tablespoons of it on Day 2, but since 3 teaspoons equals 1 tablespoon (I'm pretty sure), I think we'll be working our way to that much for a while! She is only drinking 4-5oz 5 times a day and weighs about 14 lbs!)


  1. Wow! Way to go Kendall! Can't wait to see video. That Bumbo chair just swallows her up! Miss you guys! Auntie E

  2. Yes, the Bumbo is big for her, that's why her new high chair is still in the box! She's only using the Bumbo for feeding now cause she is sittin' up like a big girl! (If you think the Bumbo looks big, you've gotta see her in the "jumping john" ... I'll post a picture of it ... it's hilarious!)
